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national indigenous people's day 2024

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national indigenous people's day logo winner


FRIS is excited to announce the 2024 FRIS NIPD artwork Winner:  Vernon Chapman!  Congratulations Vernon!!

Bio:  I’m Vernon Chapman member of Katzie First Nations and I look at myself as an apprentice of Jack of All Creativity. I like to work and handle a lot of different mediums such as Woodworking, DIY Techie-type stuff, crafts & repurposing.  But to draw is my biggest passion. I enjoy working on and have done, what I call coloring book type of art such as logos, stickers, calendars, and tattoo stencils. I like to work smart. Be kind. Stay humble and kind approach to life and what I do.  I’ve recently started to dabble and branch out doing digital media and various World Wide Web projects to tie all my knowledge and experiences, hoping to one day get my PhD or pass with honors.  I like to learn something new every day, so I’ll continue this path.


Description of Artwork:  Life is filled with twists and turns. We may not know where our journey will lead us or why certain obstacles appear in our path but it's important to remember that this is just a small pothole in our path and that there is a reason for everything. We only have two hands and can't always juggle everything as we often do. Turn your dreams into reality.

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2023 nipd logo winner

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FRIS is excited to announce the 2023 FRIS NIPD artwork Winner: 

Liberty “Josephine” Stump!  Congratulations Liberty!!


Bio: My name is Liberty Stump, I also go by Josephine (one of my middle names)  I am 18 years old, and originate from Williams Lake B.C., specifically from ?Esdilagh, formerly known as Alexandria, but now reside in Sq’éwlets (Scowlitz) with my mother and siblings and am Tšilhqot’in (sil-cot-een).


Description of Artwork:  My artwork represents connections; it recognizes the deep and complex webs of life within and between First Nations Communities. It also represents the connections that we, as a community, have with the land, culture, and history of this country.  The arrow represents strength and resilience, The Tipi and “modern” houses represent our history and how we have developed and grew together, The Sun (in the middle) represents life and how it was given to us, and the People represent all of us and how we are all the same, even throughout our history. The 4 triangles, on the sides, represent the medicine wheel and how it signifies the earth and its boundaries as well as all of the knowledge in the universe. Overall, my logo represents our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual ties within us and our communities as well as the connections we have with each other. 

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FRIS, throughout the year, hosts and participates in different events.  We have monthly calendar to announce our Tuesday workshops. 

Please follow out social media to find out more about our current workshops.

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CURRENT events

Winter Wellness

You can join us in person with small groups or by Zoom for our cultural gatherings. Every week we have something going on. Women's circle, Men's circle, outreach activities, and Ooten Wineya (once a month). Keep up to date with what is going on each week,

call us. 604.458.0151

Art Display

Cultural Workshops in person         or Zoom

PAST events

Wood Panel

Orange Shirt Day: every child matters

September 30th has been declared Orange Shirt Day annually, in recognition of the harm the residential school system did to children's sense of self-esteem and well being, and as an affirmation of our commitment to ensure that everyone around us matters.

open house

It was our honour to host and welcome you to the opening of the Fraser River All Nations Aboriginal Society work space on January 24, 2018. Our path forward takes us to a strength bases self-determination approach. Our hopes to redress the harms done under the systems of the Residential Schools, 60's Scoop and programs which broke the chain of families caring for their children. Entering a new era of commitment, we see the potential for partnerships which strive to promote a generation of families raising their own children. 


Over the past years we created a foundation within the community to provide valued services. 


We respectfully acknowledge all the murdered and missing Indigenous women, our hearts and thoughts are with everyone effected by this. This must change. Working together we can make a difference. Bring our women home.

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